Thank you for joining the fight against spending and tax increases in the Mascoma Valley region of the State of New Hampshire!

Membership is free. By joining us, you signify your support of our mission, and join the ever-growing ranks of Mascoma Valley residents who say “Enough is enough!” to ever-growing property taxes.

After joining, you will receive email updates from time to time informing you about what your local government is up to and how you can effectively support spending and tax reductions. MVTU covers issues in the towns of Canaan, Dorchester, Enfield, Grafton, and Orange, the Mascoma Valley Regional School District, and occasionally state- or county-wide issues that will affect local control, taxes, or spending.

You can sign up here. All we request is your name, email address, and city/state of residence. You can provide us with additional contact information if you choose, but none is required.

We promise we will not share any of your contact information with any other individuals or organizations, without your explicit prior consent.